Projects gallery

By lal-ain anees


Here you will find the projects that I have completed through my high school. Each term we investigate a different topic category either from humanities or stem related and investigate on a specific real world problem that we are passionate to solve.

Over the terms I have explored various topics and investigated different problem statements, and created an impactful solution with my skills.

My works

Beyond the colors and sounds

Beyond the colors and sounds

Welcome to Project Synesthesia, where we explore beyond colors and sounds into a world of creativity and understanding

I've crafted an extensive online art resource kit that includes a synesthetic art journal, a 28-day doodle challenge, and a synesthetic mini-guide. These resources are conveniently available online and can also be printed. Access them easily through the provided Gumroad link.

Skills learnt:

  • Visual analysis
  • Writing skills
  • Graphic design
  • Creative communication

The power of media and films

The power of media and films

Lights, camera, stereotypes? Taking a closer look at how movies shape our attitudes towards culture and diversity.

For this task of transforming the film industry, I've devised a practical solution centered on accessibility, creativity, and the promotion of diverse perspectives. It involves creating an online animation-focused art club, providing a platform for individuals interested in art to engage in peer learning, exploration, and research. This initiative aims to enhance diversity both on and off the screen, fostering a more inclusive representation within the film industry.

Skills learnt:

  • Learning curriculum and agenda making
  • Poster and flyer making
  • Creating activism art
  • Research skills

Helping hands

Green Blue and Red Abstract Painting

Helping hands

Navigating the complexities of mental health, and lending a helping hand to spread awareness about suicides among teenagers.

I built a website offering clear and adaptable solutions for diverse age groups facing common issues. It includes pages for problem-solving and inspiration, featuring questionnaires and exercises. Utilizing NLP and mind-science, the site provides resources to overcome stress and depression.

Skills learnt:

  • AI, art and technology
  • Questionnaires making
  • Research techniques
  • HTML

Contact info:

For commissions, collabs, queries, or for even a simple appreciation message, contact through these:
